【同义词辨析】 2018-03-20 闪光flash-shimmer

flash: implies a sudden and transient burst of bright light: lightning ~.  flash有2个意思 1、闪光to shine or give off light suddenly,如cameras flashed as the celebrities passed名人经过时相机光闪,如she flashed her car's headlights at us她向我们闪了下车前灯,如本例电,名词表示闪光灯a device used to produce a flash of light for taking photographs,如a picture taken using flash闪光灯拍摄的照片  2、快速出现to appear or move quickly and suddenly,如a car flashed by一闪而过,如the message flashed on the screen消息在屏幕上快速显示,如a flash of color/wit/anger瞬间的色彩/机智/怒火,flash memory存,tiktok flash challenge抖音快闪挑战,词组in a flash表示马上,如I'll be back in a flash我马上回来)         burst突发迸发a short period of something that often starts suddenly,如a sudden burst of activity/energy/anger/enthusiasm迸发的活动/能量/怒火/热情,如spontaneous bursts of applause自发的阵阵掌声,如I tend to work in bursts我工作劲头往往是一阵一阵的)        

gleam: suggests a steady light seen through an obsuring medium or against a dark background: the lights of the town ~ed in the valley below.  除表示一点光,还可表示其它如a gleam of hope/genius /delight一点希望/天份(NCE4)/喜悦  steady稳定的free from interruptions or fluctuations无中断无震荡

glance: suggests a bright darting light reflected from a moving surface: sunlight ~d off the hull of the boat.   (glance的本意是快速地看,一瞥to look at someone or something very quickly,如I glanced at my watch看了下表,如they exchanged glances瞄一眼,如she identified the problem at a glance一眼就找到问题=at first glance)   (dart有3个意思 1、快跑飞奔to move quickly and suddenly,如she darted across the deserted street飞奔过空无一人的街道,如she made a dart for the door她朝门口冲去 2、一瞥to look at something very quickly,如she darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell她狡黠地从眼角瞥了一眼布拉姆韦尔 3、投飞镖 a small, narrow object with a sharp point which can be thrown or shot,如a poison dart)

glint: implies a quickly glancing or gleaming light: steel bars ~ed in the moonlight.

sparkle: suggests innumerable moving points of bright light: the ~ing waters of the gulf.    泛着光点(波光粼粼)的海湾          来自spark火花火星电火花       又如sparkling eyes炯炯有神的眼睛,he always sparkles at parties在各种聚会上,他总是光芒四射,如the performance lacked sparkle演出缺少亮点

glitter: connotes a brilliant sparkling or gleaming: ~ing diamonds.       brilliant表示sparkling闪耀implies intense and often sparkling brightness,如brilliant diamonds耀眼的钻石,和本例例句相同.   谚语all is not gold that glitters闪光未必尽黄金

glisten: applies to the soft, persistent sparkle from or as if from a wet or oily surface: rain-drenched sidewalks ~ed under the street lamps.   人行道

glimmer: suggests a faint, obscured, or wavering gleam: a lone light ~ed in the distance.    除表示1、微光a weak, unsteady light,如the glimmer of a distant star远处星星的微光 还表示2、少量a small amount or sign of something,如a glimmer of hope一丝希望

shimmer: implies a soft tremulous gleaming or a blurred reflection: a ~ing satin dress.   tremble微微振颤   satin缎子,即厚丝织品    

flash闪光: 指发出突然明亮的光,gleam一点光: 表示黑暗背景或模糊介质中的一个光点,glance一瞥: 很快地看一下或很快闪过的一道光线,glint闪光: 很的光线光点, sparkle闪耀: 表示发出无数, glitter闪耀: 表示灿烂耀眼(brilliant闪耀)的光点, glisten发微光: 指湿的地面的微弱的光,glimmer发微光: 微弱而不稳的光点, shimmer发微光: 同上

记忆方法:1)首字母FGGGSGGGS想成FSS山峰上GGGGGG6道光<==闪光             ""这里表示"突然出现",字面意思"人在门中一晃而过",如闪光闪电闪烁闪耀闪现;引申为侧身躲避,如躲闪闪身闪开闪了一下腰


          3)闪光的意思是发光mean to send forth light.首字母FGGGSGGGS想成FSS山峰上GGGGGG6道光<==闪光